*** Random Poetry Anyone? ***
The Tree of Unknowing
-Suji Kwock Kim

Uncertainty, take me into the forest
leaf by leaf--

where an immigrant sits in a Jersey slum,
a young mother rocking her child.

Where, along the endless road, are you going away from me like a cloud?
Like a cloud, like a cloud?

I lay in your arms, watching your lips.
I touched your chin with my fingers.

Your loneliness sang to me,
each word a crumb of light, burning in the skull--

until a galaxy of sparks flashed among the branches,
lighting the way where?

I lifted my head. What was it I saw
in your gaze, the maze

of you; corridors of years, corridors of war, black wheat-hair ripening--
the last shape sown in closing eyes.

The words have their own woods.
Where the words can't go further: where the woods begin

that make us mad, too real and not
real enough. Whose memory was it? Why did I feel such joy?

Look, the cloud-tree will never die--

I wonder who you were: I wonder
because you were.

      ( 9/22/2003 10:35:00 AM ) Lisa#

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Smell the Storm Stirring


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